Saturday, August 3, 2019

AAR: Congo: First Games on Safari

      It only took a year after buying the Congo rules for Kalissa and I to get figures for this game. I am pretty sure there are a lot of people who buy rule sets and forget to get miniatures for them. However, one of the things that Kalissa and I do before heading off to whatever convention we are going to is to make a list of games we have that we need stuff for. Kalissa had been telling me how easy and fun this game was, so we bought quite a few things for it. A side comment for us during these games was how we can keep up with all of the rules and games, since we play a lot of different games. I think we have been playing so many other game types that they are easy to understand at this point.
    Anyway, I went through and paint nearly everything we got for this game. What is lacking is the Forrest Tribe faction and animals. However, that will not take too much longer. Since the introduction of Games Workshop's Contrast Paints, I have sped through nearly everything we bought from Historicon 2019, which was about 200 figures in about three days. It will be another day just because of work and a commission project as well. So we just brought mainly what we had.
    Kalissa and I played to games of just killing each other. Since I had never played the rule before, I wanted to see how it played out. These rules come with campaigns, so that might be a fun to try for in the near future. As for the games, I chose to play the White Man Expedition Force against the African Kingdom. I found that the rules were fairly easy. We spent very little time looking over rules. I did find that I was rolling very well. Both games were victories for me. The second one was almost a flawless victory! I only had one casualty. The next time we play this, what to switch sides to see how well I do. Anyway, below are the game pictures as usual. Enjoy!

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