Tuesday, June 18, 2019

AAR: Ronin: A Test of Kalissa's Historicon 2019 Game.

       It is about the time for Historicon coming around, so Kalissa and I had to start some playtesting her game. Unfortunately, for me, I have cancelled my project for the year. I found that there was no way I would be able to pull off what I wanted in the timeframe I found I did not have. Well, I could have done it, but it would not have been to my standards. So I turned my focus on a rather smaller project with Samurai. Kalissa is going to run a Ronin game with six players. Seven, if you count the objective targets. The idea is that the local Shogun had been dishonored by some Bushi sisters, and he wants their heads. This means that there are six factions searching for these ladies in the local area. Plus, since there is a large bounty on them, greed will most likely drive these factions to kill each other in the process.
     This game is going to be a 3' x 6' board. I made the board out of two 3' x 3' post it boards to get to that size. It still has a little bit more work to go. I also have a couple more trees to make and paint the various civilians. It has been a fun quick project, so far.
    We ended up playing at Hobbytown, U.S.A.  with a couple of friends. Honestly, I think the game will play out better when the other factions are on the table, since we only used three out of the six. And having the civilians will also make the game more interesting, since you can search them to see if they are one of the Bushi. The game ended in a Draw. The Koreans and the Sohei Monks were able to capture the same amount of Bushi. There were seven of the them, but the Bushi women were able to take out the Sword School losing one of there own in the process. The game run rather smooth for it's first go round. Hopefully, we will get another test run before Historicon.

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