It has now been the third time Kalissa and I have played the Mystic Battles Pantheon game and it was a great game. Great, because it never seems to be a cake walk with all of the combinations of creature and God abilities. Plus, I have won every game! That has given it three times the charm. For Kalissa, it is a great outlet from a stressful day. I actually had to work hard on this last game. Someone in the Pantheon Facebook group said it best if you are winning too easily: "You must be playing against a sack of potatoes!" I can be a Spud for time to time, hence the name! However, I usually loose games due to terrible rolls of the die. It happens!
In this game, we really wanted to test out various units. This was especially true for the ones that were painted. The last two games saw our figures unpainted. I really prefer to never sport a miniatures game with unpainted figures. However, I saw the gleam in my wife's eyes that we need to play this. After all, she loves Greek Mythology. So I have been on a campaign to paint all of these figures for Pantheon where we have received the core game and an expansion. So I have 108 figures to paint for this game, which has been fun. I get to paint with colors I am not used to painting with. The challenge has been good for me. Here are some of the ones I have painted or mostly painted.
Odysseus, Aphrodite, Zeus, and Athena |
Athena with a Manticore behind her. |
The Dragon of Thebes |
The Manticore. |
Some Hoplites. |
Spartans. |
As for our game, Kalissa chose to be the Goddess, Aphrodite. Amongst her force, she had a Manticore, the Dragon of Thebes, and Spartans. There was not much to her force, but they had some powerful abilities and were very tough. I ran the Goddess Athena, Medusa, the Minotaur, a Griffon, a unit of Amazons, and a unit of Hoplites. I had more units, but they tended to be crunchy. At least, they were under the weight of a Manticore!
The game was a free for all game with seven Omphalos to collect on the table. The middle left side based on my side was the most contested. We both really wanted to try out our various abilities. I was not very fair to my Minotaur, since I used him like a bludgeoning tool, and sent him in charging with no back up. He was the first unit of mine to die. I, also, treated Medusa this way as well, but things worked out in her fair before she died. She was able to petrify two full units. So she payed for the cause. In the end, I used my Griffon to finish off the Manticore. It was a long game, but fun. My wife really made me work for my victory. Anyway, the game shots are below. Enjoy!
Aphrodite and her bouncers, I mean, Spartans. |
This game also brings out some dirtiness. I thought the Griffon was so awesome, it shits gems! |
The Minotaur charging at Aphrodite, but she ain't taken it! You have to use an Art of War card to even attack her! |
This is when the Minotaur had taken some serious damage. |
The Manticore has a Block ability to prevent me from moving through a space. This denied Medusa one space to get a Omphalos. |
The Hoplites were ignored through most of the game. |
I set up a nice defense in the ruins from the Dragon of Thebes. |
The Dragon was killed, so Kalissa gained a unit of Skeleton warriors which......... |
Immediately turn to stone by Medusa! |
The final fight: Manticore versus a Griffon! |