Monday, April 13, 2020

AAR: Bolt Action: Italian Vs. British: Easter Game

       My wife played another game on Easter with our friend Chris. We have known Chris for years, but somehow, my wife has never played a game with Chris. Who knows why, but this game happen! Now, when Chris said he was going to come over and play, we thought we were going to play Flames of War, since he still plays a lot in the tournament scene. To our surprise, he want to test out he Italians. So they played a 1250 point list of desert warfare. The Italians even looked like they belonged on the table. Plus, this was Chris's first test run with his Italians.
      With that in mind, Kalissa and Chris played the "Meeting Engagement" mission. Right away, the Italians drew first blood! One of the British infantry took a long distant tank round. And from there, it went down hill for the British. Kalissa was able to hit well, but never was about to kill. I believe she took out eight figures the whole game at the lost of eight units. It happens to us all with rolling. However. despite the loss, Kalissa had fun and is wanting a rematch. That is only after she has a major talk with her commanders who did not believe they were in an actual battle. Here were the photos of the game. 

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