Tuesday, February 12, 2019

AAR: Lord of the Rings: A Hobbit Stoned my Orc to Death!

         This was another round of playing Lord of the Rings. At this point, Kalissa and I have played five games of these Games Workshop rules. Originally, this was the plan for the day for a game, but the day before, I was speed terrain making. The previous post was my progress on making some rather large oak trees. I figured I would showcase how they came out finished while matching a mat. So I decided after the last post to speed make a mat. This game shows the results on that mission.
       Now, we did not play any particular scenario. Instead, we just made it a goal for the Good side to escort Frodo and Samwise across the table lengthwise to the other side. I, as the Evil side, was to stop them. I choose to run three eight-orc groups, 8 Warg riders, and a happy, super-friendly troll! Kalissa had more character heros, such as, Legolias, Gimili, Aragorn, Frodo, and Samwise plus a bunch of Riders of Rohan both mounted and dismounted. The points for these forces were a little in favor for the Good side. We found out that I could have added some more Orcs to even things out.
      The game went all over in hits and misses. I figured the only way to get anyway through to Frodo and the ring was to flank through with my Warg Riders. It almost worked, because I got to Frodo, I just could not kill him. The troll was taken on immediately by Aragorn mounted on a horse. The troll was quickly dispatched within two turns. Surprisingly, some of the Orcs were able to distract most of the heroes. The Orcs roaming through the woods managed to break through and also make it to Frodo. Well, there would have been two until the Frodo pegged one in the face killing him. Needless to say, I did not have the numbers to win against Frodo and Sam with having Rohan warriors shooting me in the back in the near future. But I still had fun! Anyway, these are the rest of the photographs of our game.


  1. Great looking table and game David! I've got a bit of the LoTR bug myself but with the figures only and using them for Rangers of Shadow Deep.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi David. Great terrain. I'm getting some LOTR armies ready myself. How can I contact you re: commission work for a teddy bear mat?

    1. Just send a message to Lissa_0729@yahoo.com for what you may want and we can see what that would cost.

    2. Thanks David - email has been sent
