Wednesday, November 20, 2019

AAR: Bolt Action: Farmland Ambush!

    It appears that I am getting lazy on posting on this blog of late. Or it at least it seems. However, the truth of the matter is that it is getting really busy lately. I have been recently training people at work, since a bunch of people quit around the same time. I cannot be mad at them for their timing, since no one was "Rage Quitting" at work. It was just bad timing. However, it has made gaming a little harder to do as of late. This has also affected my gaming recently. This game was played a week and a half ago, but we had fun with it. So POW! We have a post!
   This was a quick Bolt Action game that Kalissa and I played. It was just a simple killfest, but it ended in a "Draw" My German sniper should be fired for being a terrible shot. The Armored 222 car was not much better, but it survived the game. I rolled ones for the Panther. A Cromwell HE shelled my poor mortar team that wanted to play a part in the battle. I guess some units do not get theirs. Anyway, here are the rest of the photos. Enjoy!

Monday, November 11, 2019

AAR: Lord Of The Rings: A game is Georgia.

      On a recent weekend, Kalissa and I travelled down to Atlanta, Ga to visit her parents and to go to my brother's wedding. At this point, we were still not 100% on the wedding plans. However, that is besides the point. We mainly were down for the wedding. Everything else was just a bonus. It has been nine years, since Kalissa and I had been in the Atlanta Metro Area, so we figured we would try to play a game between down time of events. We originally start wargaming with Flames of War playing at the Kennesaw, Ga Hobbytown, U.S.A.
    Since we have been gone, there has been a new gaming venue that appeared. So we wanted to check it out. Giga-Bites Cafe is in Marietta, Ga  not far from where I grew up. We went there and decided to play a quick game of Lord of the Rings. In a normal clash of our games, it was a slaughter on my end of the game. I lost all of the Orcs only to kill nine Rohan Warriors. I know that we mentioned playing a short game, but it was all over by turn four. I was okay with this, since it gave some more time to look around the store and buy things! We got away with a fairly light load of terrain and some gangster casualties for Chicago at 50% off. The venue of Giga-Bites Cafe was really nice. It had a nice larger gaming area amongst two rooms, a cafe, and a rather large selection of gaming figures and paints  in a shopping area the size of a small bookstore. I wish they would have more places like this in the country.
    Anyway, it was a good weekend of family and gaming. These are my slaughter pictures with my happy wife. Enjoy!

There was a chance that the Rohan Riders were sent by Darth Vader, but I can't be too sure!