A Saturday ago, Kalissa and I hosted a rather large Lord of the Rings game at our house. It has been a while, since we had a large crowd of gamers. It was nice to see considering that most of our gaming area was a plague of commission work. And it is completely back to that now!
However, everyone that came over was to run a 400 point list or close to it. There were no heroes allowed. And as an after thought, monsters should have been banned too. I still do not think my Mordor troll had that much of an impact. I only killed two people the whole game. My warg riders did most of the work. The teams were four versus four. The Evil side had Easterlings, Uruk-hai, Mordor Orcs, and the Undead (Aragorn had yet to talk to them!) The Good had three armies of Rohan and some Iron Dwarves.
The game went through about 14 turns with the Evil rolling awesome. I believe that Ray's Easterlings were only doing well, because they were not all painted. He had a ridiculous number of sixes rolled. The whole game was really run. Even the members of the Good side had fun. We will probably do this again, since it had been a while. Do mind the fact that these pictures below are not in order. Enjoy!