Well, we are back to playing another Aliens board game. Kalissa and I have the older Prodos Aliens Vs. Predator game, but that seems to have had a bunch of issues with that game. At one point, we were playtesters to the Second Addition to that game, but that version was thrown out. I wished they would have continued that route. There were going to be a bunch of new characters involved to make it interesting. However, someone else who was also a playtester ruined it by posting the details online on some forum. It is stupid people that tend to ruin it for the rest of us.
However, we still had not gave up on the whole Aliens games. When we found out that Gale Force Nine was going to release an Aliens game, we decided to pre-order it. This game is based off of the movie. Of course, my only real complaint when we got this game is that the figures are all plastic. I know, I know! But I am a metal figure kind of guy. It was not terrible to put the figures together. If left unpainted, the Aliens were in black plastic and the marines were in green.
Kalissa and I played the first mission a month ago where we managed to save Newt with everyone surviving, but Frost. We were going to play a rescue mission to get Frost, but it turns out we both needed to reread the rules. We did not play the game exactly right. So this game is a revisit to the first mission to rescue Newt from the Aliens.........with painted figures!
As a recap of this game, Kalissa was playing as Lt. Riley. I decided to play Hicks. The rest of the crew we could both control. Now, I was under the impression that this we going to harder mission than our first time playing. For one, we are now dealing with painted figures. They also seem to died quicker! Two, this game requires some luck, since it has cards involved and spawn points. Think of the game like the game Zombicide. First thing we did wrong was have Riley move first. We miss read that she would not be able to go first, but decided to play it out. Immediately, an Alien spawns in front of Riley and attacks her! Kalissa rolled two tens on a D10, killing Riley out right! It was luck I had a card to re-roll her defense die to save her. Nevermind the whole fear that Riley had in the movie, such as, her night terrors. Nope, I just advance first with no back up! Now, we understand why Riley's character moves last out of the group of characters you play. Now, Newt will only run towards Riley, but away from the Marines. Also, Riley is the only one who can calm Newt down so she can decide to follow the group to safety. In this mission, Newt is one of four locations on the board. At the same time after turn four, Aliens start popping everywhere each turn. I am not sure how many Aliens we killed, but there were 43 Aliens chasing us on the way out of the board. The luck we had in this game was when, at one moment, Hudson was confronted by 7 Aliens at once. He took them out with a lucky shot using a Pulse Rifle Grenade. If that did not work, our exit would have been cut off. At least everyone escape on this run!