I would like to say that I was slightly disappointed when a client of mine decided to change his mind on a project for making a board for Endor for the new Star Wars: Legion rules. I had one of the those wonderful terrain dreams. It was a "Commission Mission" dream, so to speak. I tend to have quite a few of these in the early morning hours, since I am more of a night owl. Within a week, I had figured out the exact materials I was going to use for making terrain pieces for the Endor forrect, my color scheme, the plastic plants I was going to use for the nearly never ending ferns for the forest floor and etc... I had the whole nine yards planned, since I have been a big Star War geek. Then, the plan was scraped for a project for Scarif from the Star Wars: Rogue One movie. At first, this was a bit of a let down. However...........
So in one of the previous posts back in the day, I had quite a few convention project ideas. Soe of these have been on the scary side. I managed to choose a Sicily 1943 project using Bolt Action rules for a game in Historicon 2017. One my say that it was smashing success. It does not seem to sound the same out loud as an American using "Smashing." However, before that decided project, I had listed the idea for running a WWII Pacific Threatre game for the Battle of Peleliu. My mind was not completely set for this project, but the honest truth, I have been having fun with the challenge of making interesting, unique convention games. This board for Scarif has answered quite a few questions for my Pacific Idea. I would also like to say that those fantastic gentlemen that came up with Blood and Plunder also helped with ideas. After talking to them at their booth at Siege of Augusta, I thought about coming up with board ideas for a tropical island that leads from water grass flats into mangrove swamps. Yes, I have a plan for mangrove trees I want to try!
Either way, I just wanted to showcase the first part of the Scarif board I have for a nice guy in California. I have the second section to do later in the week. I might not make much money in making this, but I look at it as expanding to a new template of what I can do. I always like to remind people that everything I do can be made by "You", the reader of this blog. Most of my goal is to inspire people, if I can. Anyway, here is the some more shots of the board. There are some Star Wars Miniatures that I have not completely painted that come from our Imperial Assault game. They are going to be a little smaller that the Star Wars: Legion figures.