It has been decided that we needed to continue to go out into the crowd to expose historical wargaming to the public. It is nice to play games in the household with friends, but we had not met too many more new people in our hobby with the large exceptions of going to wargaming conventions. Nashcon is the next one coming up! There is also a plus side to this, since the reality has set in that I am behind schedule on projects of both commissions and personal ones and they are taking up the tables we play on. So we have booted ourselves out of the house to the local Hobbytown, USA.
Kalissa and I decided to play Normandy Firefight. It is not mentioned very much in the wargaming world, though a walking by/spectator mentioned how fun the rules were. Odd to here, since we never met people who played with exception of our friends, Hugh and Bill. Another person came by to state: "Wow, a game that you can't power game in!" Most of the games in our area seem to be in the 40K nature and Star Wars: X-Wing. So, now it this is turning into a goal to bring whatever random historic games out. I am beginning to sense people wanting something fresh and new in wargaming. Kalissa has gone as far as to mention demonstrating games in the future. She is a teacher and teaches rules better than me by a long shot!
Either way, for our Normandy Firefight game, Kalissa had her trusty British while I have stuck with the Germans. Normandy Firefight is great for the fact that you only need up to three figures to play, but with like going with five. It is a random card driven game while using two D10's to fire and a D6 to unpin. You keep track of your movement, action, position, and ammunition you use per figure. So you do not want to many figures to track.
In our game, we started on opposite corners 12" in. This was a Free-for-all type game. We, both, tried to rush our forces towards the center of town. I ended up rolling a bit better to get there faster. Three turns of movement, the bullets started flying. The normal game size uses a smaller sized table. We were not in a hurry. One Brit took a head shot killing him instantly after surprising one of my Germans sporting an MP40. One of my riflemen was pinned down and crippled to a state of crawling. The same was with another riflemen who tried to flank three British soldiers. The big damage was running up onto a balcony and throwing a hand grenade at the three Englishmen. One guy bit the dust with the other two with serious wounds. Kalissa sent a guy after one of my Germans with a Thompson Machine gun dropping him to the floor! The final shots came from the upstairs German running down and plugging that British soldier point black with his MP40. Thus, the game ended in a German Victory! Below are the game photos!