Monday, August 30, 2021

AAR: Bolt Action: Stalingrad


  These are photographs from the second Stalingrad game I played at Nashcon on that Saturday night. This game was after the Bolt Action Singles Tournament ended, so I was surprised to see that Kalissa was willing to play a Bolt Action game after running a tournament. It was a late night for her usually, not included being in a different time zone. But this was a game amongst friends. We knew all of the players involved personally, so there was a lot of "Big Talk" across the board. Whiskey and Soviet Propaganda was the way this game went on our side of the table. I decided to play Soviets on purpose. It was not a norm for me. Also, I do not have a big interest in Stalingrad, despite playing two games in a row for it 

    The Soviet forces were to hold the line against advancing Germans. We held strong for quite a bit. If it wasn't for the free roaming Panzer III's, were would have had a better chance. Do to my propaganda, we were constantly winning the game. We did not win! But we had fun!

The German version of the Duke's of Hazard
The German version of the Dukes of Hazzard!