Sunday, December 30, 2018

AAR: Normandy Firefight: Another Victory for Veterans.

        It was recently that Kalissa and I ventured out towards the local Hobbytown, U.S.A for the Thursday night gaming. Apparently, this has been going on for a while, but it is a school night after all. It happens, even with the teachers in the world. Essentially, we were going out to play our last games for the year of 2018. Since my in-laws were visiting randomly in the weekend, we might as well play on Thursday. We brought to games to play, so the next post is going to be the second game.
     Now on to Normandy Firefight! This is still one game system Kalissa and I find ourselves playing. If there ever was a good enough reason, it is grenades. I cannot stress how much of a game changer that is. This is especially true when stupid game stuff happens. In our game, I ran my veteran Germans. We had found previous sheets of our last game with names on them for our characters. The last game, I had one man killed, so naturally, my replacement had a different name. Kalissa lost nearly everyone, but this did not mean she would not recycle the names. I would look at this as gaming "bad luck". Her men seemed to all be Highlanders. And the "bad luck" did play out!
     I am not saying that one of the Highlanders would have won the Darwin Award, but he did! In the mist of throwing grenades, both Kalissa and I found ourselves in a pickle. I had one German pinned down with a grenade primed. Kalissa had two men in the same situation nearly all within 8" apart. 10" are all you need to feel the effects of the grenade. I survived both the first and the second grenade. Kalissa's men did not. One man, in the heat of the moment, fired his Sten Gun at my German nearest to him forgetting about the whole holding a primed grenade thing. This was following by that said fellow blowing himself to smithereens! I dare say, that would have not been a celebrated man, if he had survived, considering the same blast killed another man and wounded another severely. It was awesome! The end game was the Germans losing one man, which was the replacement! It made sense! Below are the photos.

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