Thursday, November 22, 2018

Commission Mission Success: 6mm Board for Planes.

        It seems like November is a loss when it comes to gaming. There has not be much going on in the grand scheme of things other than finishing up back orders of work, retail holiday work, and my wife being sick for most of the month. However, I cannot say all is gloom and doom for November. I have decided to work on some terrain building in between work. Soon, there will be some new terrain popping up for main 28mm related terrain. Something I tend to excel best in.
        Now this post is a showcasing of some 6mm terrain. Or I hope that is what it is, because my few free buildings said they were for 6mm. If not, than a certain miniature company lied on the package. I was commissioned to do this project. Tomorrow, if I am not dead of sleep deprivation over Black Friday sales, I hope to play a Wings of Glory scenario on this board. So, in a sense, this is also a preview of a game I hope to play. Either way, I am happy with how it came out, since I do not make too many small scale boards. Enjoy!

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