Saturday, November 24, 2018

AAR: Normandy Firefight: Scouting Mission

     After a lack of gaming for this month, Kalissa and I travelled to our local Hobbytown, U.S.A. to play a game. This time, we chose to play Normandy Firefight. It is relatively quick and does not need to much to play. I actually packed all of the terrain into one box and bought our army boxes to chose what figures we would play with. In this game, it was another face-off with British Paratroopers versus some German Fallschirmjaegers. This seems to be a classic team up of mortal enemies, since the first Normandy Firefight game. The combination of grenades and headshots tend to be the driving force to playing this game.
    Kalissa and I normally just play a random encounter type game, but Kalissa thought it would be a good idea to play one of the book's missions. We ended up with the Scouting Mission where I as the Germans get Registered, Presighted 50mm Mortar fire! And it was surprising that I had up to eight mortar rounds considering just how dangerous regular grenades are in the game. It was like a grenadefest on Crack!
     I would like to say that it went well for my wife and her British, but that was far from it. Her side was plagued with usual bad luck that a few people passing by mentioned as well. A couple of mentions. One, the deployed was rolling into my favor giving me a wonderful defensive position. Wunderbar! Second, she had two men with issues with their Sten Guns making them useless. One guy came within inches to roll a 100 with two D-10. In the rules, this jams the Sten Gun and can only be undone with two attempts roll a 6 out of one D-10. Obviously, it did not matter for that poor sap, since he was shot in the leg with a rifle at close range followed by a grenade blast from his own troops, thus killing him. The third was the amount of time that Kalissa's troops were pinned. They needed to radio for another squad or two to flank. Or just flat out call for a Sherman! Either way, the Germans won the day. Below, are the rest of the pictures. Enjoy!

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