Saturday, May 5, 2018

AAR: This Hallowed Ground: First Cavalry Engagements

      In this recent game, Kalissa and I went out to our local Hobbytown, USA to play in hopes that the local Star Wars X-Wing Tournament did not take up all of the tables for gaming use. It had been months, since the last time we played here. It dawned on me that our neighborhood cut-through under reconstruction from the damage of Hurrican Mathew played a part in us not heading out that way. It seems kind of lazy on our part, since it was not like there were no other ways to get there. Needless to say, we went as another "wave the flag" moment for historical wargaming. People need to know that there are plenty of other games in our hobby. Several of the X-Wing players stopped over at our table to ask questions. We, even, had gained some spectators.
    The other point of coming out was to test some the finished/ mostly finished cavalry units for our ACW collection. It was time to take them for a spin. We needed to try out a couple of special rules, as well. This is all part of the balancing involved in my Olustee Project for Historicon. I have to have all sorts of rules questions figured out for the game in July, since I will be running this game by myself. It turns out that my wife, Kalissa will be running her own convention games. This will be a first for her, but I am sure she will do fine. I might have a little more issues, but that is the point of play testing certain things. This game was fairly bloody. I believe the totals were 95 Yankees killed versus the 86 Confederates lost. It was a clear victory for the Confederates driving off the Union forces. I will say that Kalissa's rolling was not a great as it could have been. We gave the Union cavalry "repeating rifles" that I expected to take down so many more of my Confederates. I seemed to have a better rolling day. Anyway, below are the action photos, despite forgetting my smoke for shots fired. Enjoy!

The board.

My lovely opponent!

The yellow paper strips on the Union's side represent the dismounted cavalry marker. I have not paint the Union horse holders yet.

Taking down this Union line should have been harder to do.

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