Tuesday, May 26, 2020

AAR: Bolt Action: And Yet Another Slap Fight!

     It has been a long time gap between games due this recent virus affair. After hearing nearly all of our future conventions are cancelled this year ago with all of the closed down places, it seems that our local wargamers had had enough. We seemed to have decided on personal responsibly and fun. So Kalissa and I met up with quite a few gamers to play at a somewhat local hobby shop. We, even had gamers drive two hours from Raleigh, NC to play.  The game at had was mainly Bolt Action.
There has been a recent uptick in Bolt Action players in our area, which is a good this. The more historical games the merrier!
    Anyway, I had a commission to deliver to some who I also played against in our desert game. This was a typical slap fight between Matt and myself. However, with his list in it's new natural habitat, they excelled in killing most of my troops. I am not too sad. That same list was burrowed by my wife that she used to beat up on our friend, Eric's Italians. We were able to get two games for my wife and I while several others were going on. It was a fun day, and more happened later in the week that we will post later. Here are the pictures. Enjoy!


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