Tom, already had some awesome stuff. I am glad what I made fit with his stuff so well. |
It is publicly out there that I now do commission terrain work. It has taken a little pushing for me to consider doing any commission work at all, but most of that has been with my own personal reservations. I have seen plenty of people who I have known who loved a hobby, and now, are slaved to it as a job with no where near the same interest. I just felt that I would lose interest if it became too much like work than fun. Another thing was that I lacked some faith in what I was making at first. My first projects were no where near my current ones. My feelings have since changed for the better. I found that sharing the hobby with awesome terrain is quite rewarding. There is that and that most of the money factor is going back into my wife and I's hobby of wargaming. After quite a few commissions, I have been enjoying making work for wargamers. And it helps that I play at least one game on the finished product before it leaves.
For this post, I wanted to share the table set up for a guy who posts on Facebook, Paladin Sixx. It was not too long ago when he contacted me for a job that he wanted a terrain board. Honestly, I was taken back by this, because he has an awesome game room and I seen some of his work before. It is extremely high class stuff! But before I knew it, I was making a board for him and was the only one I made that has a water feature for a commission. Water features tend to be difficult. To top that, I have a cat! Lucky, Izzy is trained to avoid set-up game tables!
Either way, I am glad to have another happy customer. I have not seen any of the other mats I have made since, and it is nice to see photos. However, I have had great reviews and some repeat business as well as friends of customers. Hopefully, my work will greater enhance our hobby and enjoyment of our games.
The game room this is in rocks! |
This is just a great shot. |
Everything ties in nicely. The color scheme was based off another board of his. I wanted to keep the same colors so to not alienate his terrain. |
It is no secret that I love Panther tanks. To see it in this nice battlefield is awesome! |
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